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Math Game
JavaScript, Blog, HTML & CSS

Creating Math Game Using HTML, CSS & JavaScript

Introduction Hi there, coders! Welcome to the blog for cssiseasy. We’re going to use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build a math game today. In order to solve equations and win the math game, the player must enter the correct number or operator. The user hits “Submit” to send their feedback after finishing. Also, Read

Interactive Registration Form

Interactive Registration Forms with JavaScript Validation

One way to approach it is by making a profile on a website! Interactive Registration Form allow the collection of user data and help create a personalized area or profile for users to carry out private tasks on their own without the help of a third party. Form-based data collection is one thing, but how

email validation
JavaScript, Blog

Email Validation Using Javascript: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

Because it guarantees that the data your application receives is valid and in the desired format, email validation/verification is an essential component of web development. JavaScript’s regular expressions (regex) capability aids with user email verification. Any website should have email verification since it keeps the site safe by enabling users to use email only who

Curved Progress Bar
JavaScript, Blog

Creating a Curved Progress Bar Using JavaScript

The Curved Progress Bar is the primary tool on the EdTech website used to display the modules’ progress. It is employed to show the user’s progress. There are two primary sorts of progress bars: circular ones can give your web projects more flair and distinctiveness, while linear progress bars are more conventional. This post will

Login Form
HTML & CSS, Blog

An Animated Login Form with HTML and CSS

Animated Login Form Using HTML and CSS Hello, coders! We’re going to learn how to use HTML and CSS for creating an animated login form today. I can assure you that the animation result we produce together will make you very happy. We used responsive design to create this form because it can be difficult

mouse hover effect
CSS, Blog

Mouse Hover Effect Using CSS

Welcome fellow developer! Now let’s use CSS to create a stylish mouse hover effect. Buckle up—this is a step-by-step tutorial! My attention was drawn to this as I was using CodePen to generate ideas for a new project. Also, Read – How To Generate Multi-Pages Using HTML How can I use CSS to generate a

Create Multiple Pages in HTML

How to Generate Multiple Pages Using HTML

A plan and design are necessary while building a website. Designing and maintaining a user-friendly website is necessary before developing a multiple pages website. We’ll look at several approaches to creating several HTML pages in this article. The Basic Understanding of HTML Knowing the Basics of HTML It’s important to remember that the goal of

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